Yanolja Presented a Travel Trend as 'T.I.G.E.R' for 2022
To celebrate the year of tiger in Korea, Yanolja presented a travel trend based on its last year's data as 'T.I.G.E.R' for 2022: Technology, Integrated service, Glamorous and luxury travel, Environment, and Rest and work.
Technology: Introduction of technology in travel industry is expected to accelerate. Despite the contraction of industry due to COVID-19, the number of global hotel solution customers of Yanolja Cloud increased by more than 60% in 2021 compared to the previous year.
Integrated services: The rate of use of room packages, which includes facilities such as hotel lounges, swimming pools, and in-room dining, risen by 77%. It is analyzed that customer needs of enjoying various activities in hotel to minimize contact with others is increased.
Glamorous and luxury: The number of reservations for luxury hotels increased by 54% compared to 2020, driven by the growing popularity of premium accommodations amid limited oversea travel.
Environment: The travel industry's interest in the environment is going beyond the efforts of hotels. It is expanding into customer participation activities such as a plogging campaign and discounts when using a resuable cups.
Rest and work: As remote work has become more common, the workation (workvaccation) is attracting attention as a new concept of work. It provides a unique working environment to employees and contributes to the revitalization of the local economy.
Despite the prolonged COVID-19, it is found that the travel industry is increasingly interested in technology and the environment with anticipation for the New Normal era. In addition, it is notable that new types of travel trends are spreading even when travel is struggled.